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Cannabis Infused Intentions

I've always been drawn to the woo-woo spiritual stuff. I love learning about the laws of the universe, I binge Abraham Hicks videos, I'm taking Reiki courses, I meditate for at least 10 minutes every single day, and I also smoke a lot of weed.

I also have my logical side where I love to dive into learning about cannabinoids, terpenes, the more physical benefits of cannabis, quantum physics, the mind-body connection and also NLP and using language to reprogram the subconscious mind with different techniques.

But to me, all of that is spiritual, and learning to set intentions with your cannabis is one of my favourite things to do because cannabis is an amplifier of intention. So what if we combined cannabis use, meditation, different techniques to heal ourselves on ALL levels with cannabis?

The problem that many in the cannabis community have, is that they may not really be aware of this yet and when you're not intentionally setting an intention when you smoke, your unconscious mind takes over and your cannabis will amplify whatever is going on beneath the surface.

It's time to break the stoner stereotype and start intentionally using cannabis to become better, to find clarity and to heal ourselves rather than using it as a bypass and a break from our underlying problems and programs. Cannabis can be a tool to help you heal SO MUCH MORE than just your physical body. It can be used holistically to drastically amplify healing on an energetic level too.

So, smoke your cannabis spiritually once in a while. Sit alone, in a relaxed environment. Inhale her smoke.

Set your intention to relieve stress, to open your mind, to get an answer you have been seeking, to be inspired, to feel good, to be present. Whatever it is that you are needing.

And just sit and breath deeply. Meditate with her.

Make it a ritual.

Cannabis is a high-vibrational herb. So visit with it with high-vibrational intentions 

And you will experience high-vibrational things.

Cannabis can open your mind and expand your psychic connection to others. It can connect you to your higher self, to nature, and to universal consciousness.

Focus on how you’re feeling when taking a puff.

Focus on how you want to feel, set your intentions. Breathe deep and imagine those feelings expanding.

Pay attention to the intuitive messages that will cross your mind while you are focusing.

After sitting with cannabis in this way, I always feel refreshed and receive insight.

Keep a notebook nearby to jot down any inspiration or message that may come to you.

Make this a part of your #SelfCare routine and you will notice yourself letting go of old patterns, releasing what no longer serves you, and receiving lots of inspired ideas that you can begin taking action on to become the best version of yourself.

Join the Cannabis Infused Community to come connect with me and join a group of lifted ladies who love using cannabis intentionally <3

Learn how to clear your chakras with cannabis here

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