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Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil

You Need:

- 7 grams of cannabis

- 1/2 cup of coconut oil

- 9-13" pan

- tin foil

- cheesecloth or something to strain your cannabis with

- container to store your finished product


First thing you need to do for this recipe is to decarb your cannabis to activate all the active compounds from the cannabis so that it is easily absorbed into the oil.

This was just a recipe that I found online that I tweaked a little to make it my own and upon further research chose to decarb my cannabis at 250º F for 20 minutes in the oven.

So go ahead and get your oven preheated while you grind up your cannabis and line the bottom of your glass baking sheet. Once that is done cover tightly with a piece of tin foil to seal the cannabis in the pan.

Throw that in the oven for 20 minutes and once it's done remove pan from oven but leave tinfoil on until you are ready to add your oil. You want to leave the foil on for about 15 minutes so that the cannabinoid rich vapour doesn't escape and will settle back into the cannabis which will help keep your oil nice and potent.

Next you want to measure out 1/2 cup of coconut oil and melt it on low in a pot until it becomes completely liquid and pour it into the pan with your cannabis and recover with tin foil. Then you want to put it back in the oven at 250º F for another 20-60 minutes to allow the cannabinoids to be absorbed by the oil. Then remove from the oven and let cool still covered for about 15-20 minutes so that you can comfortably handle the dish.

Next, you want to use either 2 layers of cheesecloth or if you're in a pinch like I was you can use a coffee filter and cover your container with it. Then you want to slowly pour the cannabis and oil through your filter slowly and drain it until you have a nice clear green oil in your jar. Be sure to strain it the best you can so you don't waste any of your precious oil.

I put mine in the fridge for an hour or so to let it solidify again but it should have the same consistency of regular coconut oil and will become and remain solid at room temperature.

Benefits of Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil

Because coconut oil is so full of healthy fats, cannabinoids like THC are very easily absorbed into the oil to be used in many different ways. This is why cannabis butter is so popular for infusing cannabis, but with coconut oil that absorption is even greater so you will have an extremely potent end product.

The best part about making a cannabis infused coconut oil like this is the versatility. You can use it topically or throw it into your favourite recipes or even have yourself a cannabis infused bullet proof coffee by adding a spoonful of oil to your morning coffee.

We know that coconut oil on its own is versatile and has many different health benefits such as containing healthy fats, it makes a create moisturizer, it's said to help with weight loss, people use it to pull toxins from their mouth and gums.. the list goes on and on.

When you add cannabis it is very easily absorbed into the oil's fats and when you mix the magic of cannabis with the versatility of coconut oil the possibilities are virtually endless.

Eat it, drink it, spread it on toast, or bathe in it! The choice is yours!

My Experience:

So the entire reason I made my own cannabis infused coconut oil was because I have been suffering from back pain that not even smoking cannabis could relieve. I don't like taking pharmaceuticals unless I absolutely have to so this was a great alternative for me.

After suffering for days without any form of relief I was finally able to make some oil and I was really pleased with how it turned out. Once my mixture was cooled and solidified I didn't hesitate to rub it all over the areas where I was experiencing discomfort and within 20 minutes I started feeling some relief. The day after that I woke up and immediately put some on and I was pain free most of the day and when the pain started creeping back in I just put some more and was good to go.

I haven't used my oil as an edible as I still have some butter that I can use to make some goodies so I will most likely just be using mine as a topical for pain relief and any dry or irritated skin but I am intrigued by adding to coffee so I might give that a chance.

I hope this oil recipe finds you well and you are able to experience the relief that this wonderful mixture is known for! Let me know how yours turned out!

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